Friends of Campbells Creek member receives landcare award
Founding member Ian Higgins received the Australian individual landcarer award for Victoria in 2017. Bendigo West’s member of parliament, Maree Edwards congratulates him and other local awardees.
Win TV news covers Friends of Campbells Creek achievements
Win TV follow up on the landcarer award featuring Stephen Ellis and Ian Higgins
Our success with platypus conservation
Our aim to increase the platypus population and its health / reproductive success. Find out more.
Profile of our group, some of our members and activities
Video our members shot and edited about our group and some of our activities. This was made for presentation at a Connecting Country event.
Public announcement of funding to complete the Campbells Creek Primary Trail
Bendigo West’s member of parliament, Maree Edwards announces $1.2 million funding to complete the trail and another footpath to Campbells Creek football ground.