Indigenous plants commonly observed near Campbells Creek
Here we list the most common or noticeable local native plants that are now present along the creek and in the surrounding public land and the adjoining Honeycomb Bushland Reserve. The plants are alphabetically sorted by scientific name.
The number listed in the ‘Sign Code’ column is the same number that appears in the photos of fauna and flora on our information shelters. These can be found at two locations along the walking and cycling Trail, here and here .
The scientific name hyperlinks to local Campbells Creek specific further information and photos or to VicVeg Online .
Sign Code | Common Name | Scientific Name |
1 | Rough Wattle | Acacia aspera |
2 | Silver Wattle | Acacia dealbata |
3 | Spreading Wattle | Acacia genistifolia |
4 | Lightwood | Acacia implexa |
5 | Black Wattle | Acacia mearnsii |
6 | Blackwood | Acacia melanoxylon |
7 | Wirilda | Acacia provincialis |
8 | Golden Wattle | Acacia pycnantha |
Varnish Wattle | Acacia verniciflua. | |
Sheep's Burr | Acaena echinata | |
11 | Bidgee-widgee | Acaena novae-zelandiae |
14 | Water Plantain | Alisma plantago-aquatica |
15 | Drooping She-oak | Allocasuarina verticillata |
16 | Lesser Joyweed | Alternanthera denticulata |
17 | Box Mistletoe | Amyema miquelii |
18 | Wire-leaf Mistletoe | Amyema preissii |
19 | Brush Wire-grass | Aristida behriana |
23 | Small Chocolate-lily | Arthropodium sp. 3 (aff. strictum) |
349 | Berry Saltbush | Atriplex semibaccata |
Supple Spear-grass | Austrostipa mollis | |
Rough Spear-grass | Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata | |
351 | Pacific Azolla | Azolla filiculoides |
34 | Silver Banksia | Banksia marginata |
35 | Marsh Club-sedge | Bolboschoenus medianus |
36 | Daphne Heath | Brachyloma daphnoides |
Cut-leaf Daisy | Brachyscome multifida | |
39 | Sweet Bursaria | Bursaria spinosa |
40 | River Bottlebrush | Callistemon sieberi |
41 | Common Fringe-myrtle | Calytrix tetragona |
42 | Tall Sedge | Carex appressa |
43 | Short-stem Sedge | Carex breviculmis |
45 | Tassel Sedge | Carex fascicularis |
Hillside Sedge | Carex incomitata | |
47 | Common Sedge | Carex inversa |
48 | Rush Sedge | Carex tereticaulis |
49 | Drooping Cassinia | Cassinia arcuata |
50 | Centella | Centella cordifolia |
Windmill Grass | Chloris truncata | |
54 | Pink Bindweed | Convolvulus angustissimus |
Couch | Cynodon dactylon | |
56 | Sweet Hound's-tongue | Cynoglossum suaveolens |
57 | Flecked Flat-sedge | Cyperus gunnii subsp. gunnii |
Spiny Flat-sedge | Cyperus gymnocaulos | |
59 | Leafy Flat-sedge | Cyperus lucidus |
61 | Black-anther Flax-lily | Dianella admixta |
62 | Matted Flax-lily | Dianella amoena |
63 | Late-flower Flax-lily | Dianella tarda |
65 | Kidney-weed | Dichondra repens |
66 | Australian Salt-grass | Distichlis distichophylla |
67 | Sticky Hop-bush | Dodonaea viscosa |
68 | Scarlet Sundew | Drosera glanduligera |
69 | Saloop | Einadia hastata |
70 | Nodding Saltbush | Einadia nutans subsp. nutans |
71 | Common Spike-sedge | Eleocharis acuta |
Common Wheat-grass | Anthosachne scabra | |
73 | Variable Willow-herb | Epilobium billardierianum |
White Box | Eucalyptus albens | |
Goldfields Brown Stringybark | Eucalyptus aurifodina | |
77 | River Red-gum | Eucalyptus camaldulensis |
81 | Bundy | Eucalyptus goniocalyx |
82 | Yellow Gum | Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. pruinosa |
83 | Red Stringybark | Eucalyptus macrorhyncha |
84 | Yellow Box | Eucalyptus melliodora |
85 | Grey Box | Eucalyptus microcarpa |
Swamp Gum | Eucalyptus ovata | |
88 | Red Box | Eucalyptus polyanthemos |
Candlebark | Eucalyptus rubida | |
90 | Red Ironbark | Eucalyptus tricarpa |
Manna Gum | Eucalyptus viminalis | |
93 | Clustered/Creeping Cudweed | Euchiton japonicus |
92 | Annual Cudweed | Euchiton sphaericus |
51 | Flat Spurge | Euphorbia dallachyana |
94 | Cherry Ballart | Exocarpos cupressiformis |
95 | Naked Cranesbill | Geranium sp. 5 |
96 | Common Raspwort | Gonocarpus tetragynus |
350 | Cut-leaf Goodenia | Goodenia pinnatifida |
98 | Goldfields Grevillea | Grevillea dryophylla |
100 | Bushy Needlewood | Hakea decurrens |
102 | Purple Coral-pea | Hardenbergia violacea |
103 | Mat Grass | Hemarthria uncinata var. uncinata |
105 | Small St John's Wort | Hypericum gramineum |
109 | Billabong Rush | Juncus usitatus |
110 | Running Postman | Kennedia prostrata |
111 | Burgan | Kunzea ericoides spp. agg. |
Jersey cudweed | Laphangium luteoalbum | |
113 | Woolly Tea-tree | Leptospermum lanigerum |
114 | Heath Tea-tree | Leptospermum myrsinoides |
115 | River Tea-tree | Leptospermum obovatum |
116 | Hoary Sunray | Leucochrysum albicans s.l. |
117 | Native Flax | Linum marginale |
118 | Angled Lobelia | Lobelia anceps |
119 | Wattle Mat-rush | Lomandra filiformis |
120 | Spiny-headed Mat-rush | Lomandra longifolia |
121 | Australian Gipsywort | Lycopus australis |
122 | Rough-barked Honey-myrtle | Melaleuca parvistaminea |
104 | Tree Violet | Melicytus dentatus |
123 | River Mint | Mentha australis |
124 | Weeping Grass | Microlaena stipoides var. stipoides |
125 | Slender Onion-orchid | Microtis parviflora |
127 | Grassland Wood-sorrel | Oxalis perennans |
130 | Slender Knotweed | Persicaria decipiens |
131 | Creeping Knotweed | Persicaria prostrata |
132 | Hairy Knotweed | Persicaria subsessilis |
133 | Common Reed | Phragmites australis |
134 | Common Rice-flower | Pimelea humilis |
136 | Common Tussock-grass | Poa labillardierei |
138 | Cluster Pomaderris | Pomaderris racemosa |
139 | Curly Pondweed | Potamogeton crispus |
142 | Slender Dock | Rumex brownii |
Hill Wallaby-grass | Rytidosperma erianthum | |
Kneed Wallaby-grass | Rytidosperma geniculatum | |
Stiped Wallaby-grass | Rytidosperma racemosum var. racemosum | |
Bristly Wallaby-grass | Rytidosperma setaceum | |
144 | River Club-sedge | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani |
Common Bog-sedge | Schoenus apogon | |
146 | Annual Fireweed | Senecio glomeratus |
Cotton Fireweed | Senecio quadridentatus | |
149 | Floodplain Fireweed | Senecio campylocarpus |
150 | Large Kangaroo Apple | Solanum laciniatum |
152 | Creamy Stackhousia | Stackhousia monogyna |
24 | Cranberry Heath | Styphelia humifusum |
153 | Plain Sun-orchid | Thelymitra nuda |
155 | Kangaroo Grass | Themeda triandra |
156 | Yellow Rush-lily | Tricoryne elatior |
157 | Water-ribbons | Triglochin procera s.l. |
158 | Streaked Arrow-grass | Triglochin striata |
159 | Cumbungi | Typha orientalis |
161 | Spur Velleia | Velleia paradoxa |
Trailing Speedwell | Veronica plebeia | |
353 | Sprawling Bluebell | Wahlenbergia gracilis |
38 | Shiny Everlasting | Xerochrysum viscosum |